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You asked for it, so today we’re bringing you the topic of “Substances that are not suitable for the skin of babies and children under 3”! 🫡🥰

👶 We all know that babies’ and children’s skin is thinner and more delicate than that of adults, so it requires special care to prevent it from becoming irritated.
Please note that these products are subject to a more stringent safety assessment than products for adults!

👉 We’ve listed some substances that are not the most suitable for children’s skin:
▪️ Perfumes and Colorants: These products can cause dermatitis. Perfumes that imitate appetizing aromas should be avoided, as they can stimulate ingestion. There are, however, perfumes specifically formulated for this target group, called hypoallergenic because they do not contain substances classified as allergens.
▪️ Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Vitamin C and Retinol: These substances are potentially irritating to the skin.
▪️ Urea and Parabens: These should be avoided as they can cause adverse reactions on children’s skin.

😮‍💨 Therefore, we should opt for the use of milder formulas and surfactants, as they are formulated with milder ingredients and are therefore less likely to cause any adverse reactions in babies and children.

👀 Always remember to check the labels on items before you buy them, to make sure you’re using the safest and most suitable products for your babies’ and children’s skin!

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